Saturday, September 7, 2019

Paraphrasing a methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Paraphrasing a methodology - Essay Example Dinesh Seth, for giving us an opportunity to work with him and for his total dedication in supervising us, and for his patience in working with us. Thirdly, we are quite grateful to all the professors and instructors who directed and guided us throughout the project, our special thanks goes to Dr. Choe and Dr. Faraye for their guidance, their encouragements, and assistance throughout the project. Also, we would like to thank the management and the employees of the printing press for their time and their dedication during data collection and during the discussion of the various parts of this project. Lastly, this project would not have been possible without the support of our families. Hence, we are indeed grateful to our families for their love, patience, and constant encouragements throughout the project. This section focuses on the method used in data collection and analysis using a combination of ISE principles and tools. In this section, the group discovered non-value adding practices and inefficiency pockets through the use of engineering mapping and practice, critical observations coupled with systematic questioning techniques for data collection through interviewing staff, managers and the executives. Also, the group made use of various surveys, checklists, and videography in analysing processes and work methods. The group also made observation of the staff while during the printing processes. The group visited the printing press many times and collected the pertinent data, the existing ways of carrying out tasks, and then made a comparison of processes bearing in mind the industrial engineering based on costs, challenges faced during designing, printing, cutting, lamination, and ergonometric considerations. The group spent substantial amount of time for data collection and to understand the challenges and the constraints of the existing layout, cutting, and printing processes. Basing their data collection on data related to

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