Monday, May 18, 2020
Obesity Is A Growing Global Health Problem - 1473 Words
In America the obesity rates has become a debatable topic. Obesity is a growing global health problem. Obesity is typically results from over-eating and not enough exercise. â€Å"In our modern world with increasingly cheap, high calorie food such as fast food or junk food, natural foods that are high in things like salt, sugars or fat, it is no wonder that obesity has rapidly increased in the last few decades, around the world†(Shah, 2010). Obesity rates have reached a constant level in January 2010 and it stayed there for the past 5 years. 34% of American adults are obese and 17% of American children are obese. Childhood obesity in USA is a growing disease that has become an epidemic that has lasting psychological force because of advertisement of fast food, lack of physical action, schools not presenting solid sustenance, and parental control has made food become a major health topic in many young teenagers’ lives today. The universe in America faces growing epidemi c of obesity. â€Å"Between 1980 and 2013, the combined prevalence of overweight and obesity worldwide rose by 27.5% in adults and 47.1% in children, a new analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 shows†(Tucker, 2014). To see how much the obesity rates as grown rapidly over the past years so shows that something has to change in the universe. In the article â€Å"Is Junk Food really cheaper?†the author states that junk food is cheaper than natural food and that junk food has become a negative effect onShow MoreRelatedObesity : A Growing Global Health Problem1593 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is obesity? It is when someone is so overweight that is a threat to their own health. Today obesity is a growing global health problem among children, teenagers and adults. This is due to over-eating especially when the person is over  eating unhealthy foods and a lack of enough exercise throughout the day. Obesity, is when someone is so overweight that is a threat to their own health. Today obesity is a growing global health problem among children, teenagers and adults. This is due to over-eatingRead More Global Public Health Essay1671 Words  | 7 Pages150 years of public health research and intervention, there are bound to be many lessons to draw upon which can provide the insight to guide public health professionals and institutions as they design and implement specific strategies, policies, and measures to increase global resilience for â€Å"complex health emergencies†. Identifying both the modifications to public health systems and looking closely from the history of managing environmental and other threats to the public health sector increases theRead MoreObesity : A Major Health Challenge1319 Words  | 6 Pages Introduction Obesity is a major health challenge in the United States. The World Obesity Federation reports obesity has become a major growing health problem since infectious diseases and nutrient deficiencies began to fade in the first half of the 20th century (WOF, 2015, para 1). Obesity is one of the biggest challenges facing healthcare today. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention report more than one-third of adults in the United States are obese and childhood obesity is at 17 percentRead MoreObesity Research Paper700 Words  | 3 Pages Different factors are responsible for obesity in children and adolescents. The cause of obesity was widely agreed, that eating too much and exercising too little. Food is energy, unless you use that energy; however, it will be store as fat. Nevertheless, once someone becomes obese, it is often not as easy as simply eating less and moving more will resolve the situation. From genetic to behavioral, and environmental, the imbalance of calories intak e, calories have been use for the purpose of growthRead MoreObesity : The Current State Of Obesity1518 Words  | 7 Pagesstate of obesity in the United States is a greater than that of other countries who live healthier lifestyles. Living healthy lifestyles is a great goal for a country to look towards achieving, and encouraging these lifestyles can benefit the country as well as the people. There are a lot of benefits for living healthy lifestyles, while there are also many negatives to living an unhealthy lifestyle. Taxing fatty foods would help to encourage buying healthy foods, and it could reduce obesity rates inRead MoreObesity Is A Global Problem1150 Words  | 5 PagesObesity is a global problem. The results from population-based studies pooled across countries show an increase in the mean Body Mass Index (BMI) and prevalence of obesity between 1975 and 2014, with a higher increase in women (21.7kg/m2 to 24.2kg/m2 for men and 22.1kg/m2 to 24.4kg/m2 for women). Within the same period, there was also a corresponding increase in life expectancy (59 to 71 years). In the general sense, the increase in BMI and prevalence of obesity should correspond to a decrease inRead MoreThe Current State Of Obesity1526 Words  | 7 Pagesstate of obesity in the United States is a greater than that of other countries who live healthier lifestyles. Living healthy lifestyles is a great goal for a country to look towards achieving, and encouraging these lifestyles can benefit the country as well as the people. There are a lot of benefits for living healthy lifestyles, while there are also many negatives to living an unhealthy lifestyle. Taxing fatty foods would help to encourage buying healthy foods, and it could reduce obesity rates inRead More Critiquing Internet Sources The author is keen in analyzing the issue of excessive consumption of800 Words  | 4 Pagescommon problem among college and university students and wants to explore why such students indulge in such a risky behavior. The author uses a reliable number of students when looking at the drinking problem and chooses the correct age, which is students below 21 years (Dodd et al, 2010). The results of the author’s research are reliable and logical where participants relate the behavior to peer pressure and other negative social consequences such as embarrassment and relationship problems. In essenceRead MoreChildhood Obesity Is Becoming A Major Public Health Problem1367 Words  | 6 Pagesoverweight and obesity in children and adolescents, In 2013, the number of children (under 5 Years) said to be overweight was over 42 million with 31 million of them living in developing countries. (WHO, 2015), and if not properly handled, could lead to serious health problems like cardiovascular disease. (Owen et al., 2009). Childhood Obesity is becoming a major public health problem and if not properly talked could lead to serious case of morbidity and in extreme cases mortality. There is a growing evidenceRead MoreThe Habit Of Eating Unhealthy Foods1606 Words  | 7 Pagesgenerally observed which lead to obesity. Obesity is commonest among the adult in the past but now is rising among the children and teenagers in China. Coupled with this, however, is the physical inactivity such as watching television or playing computer games for long hours and using automobiles instead of trekking a walk able distances (Deneen, 2011). GEOGRAPHICAL AND GENDER DISTRIBUTION The 2006 Third National Childhood Obesity Survey showed that the rate of obesity among 0-6 year old children in
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